Information Theory

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Gaussian distributions are the most “natural” distributions. They show up everywhere. Here is a list of the properties that make me think that Gaussians are the most natural distributions:

  • The sum of several random variables (like dice) tends to be Gaussian. (Central Limit Theorem).
  • There are two natural ideas that appear in Statistics, the standard deviation and the maximum entropy principle. If you ask the question, “Among all distributions with standard deviation 1 and mean 0, what is the distribution with maximum entropy?” The answer is the Gaussian.
  • Randomly select a point inside a high dimensional hypersphere. The distribution of any particular coordinate is approximately Gaussian. The same is true for a random point on the surface of the hypersphere.
  • Take several samples from a Gaussian Distribution. Compute the Discrete Fourier Transform of the samples. The results have a Gaussian Distribution. I am pretty sure that the Gaussian is the only distribution with this property.
  • The eigenfunctions of the Fourier Transforms are products of polynomials and Gaussians.
  • The solution to the differential equation y’ = -x y is a Gaussian. This fact makes computations with Gaussians easier. (Higher derivatives involve Hermite polynomials.)
  • I think Gaussians are the only distributions closed under multiplication, convolution, and linear transformations.
  • Maximum likelihood estimators to problems involving Gaussians tend to also be the least squares solutions.
  • I think all solutions to stochastic differential equations involve Gaussians. (This is mainly a consequence of the Central Limit Theorem.
  • “The normal distribution is the only absolutely continuous distribution all of whose cumulants beyond the first two (i.e. other than the mean and variance) are zero.” – Wikipedia.
  • For even n, the nth moment of the Gaussian is simply an integer multiplied by the standard deviation to the nth power.
  • Many of the other standard distributions are strongly related to the Gaussian (i.e. binomial, Poisson, chi-squared, Student t, Rayleigh, Logistic, Log-Normal, Hypergeometric …)
  • “If X1 and X2 are independent and their sum X1 + X2 is distributed normally, then both X1 and X2 must also be normal.” — From the Wikipedia.
  • “The conjugate prior of the mean of a normal distribution is another normal distribution.” — From the Wikipedia.
  • When using Gaussians, the math is easier.
  • The Erdős–Kac theorem implies that the distribution of the prime factors of a “random” integer is Gaussian.
  • The velocities of random molecules in a gas are distributed as a Gaussian. (With standard deviation = $z*\sqrt{ k\, T / m} $ where $z$ is a “nice” constant, $m$ is the mass of the particle, and $k$ is Boltzmann’s constant.)
  • “A Gaussian function is the wave function of the ground state of the quantum harmonic oscillator.” — From Wikipedia
  • Kalman Filters.
  • The Gauss–Markov theorem.

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