August 2013

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I really enjoyed Yann Esposito’s slides “Category Theory Presentation” which give a relatively simple and artistic introduction to category theory for Haskell programmers.  (I like Haskell too.)  His slides present the basic definitions of categories, functors, natural transformations, and monads along with working Haskell code.

Here is a fragment of a typical slide.



Artificial intelligence and machine learning are linked with a huge list of other fields of study: statistics, probability, information theory, computational complexity theory, algorithmic complexity theory, linear regression, linear programming, approximation theory, neuroscience, automata theory, geometry of high dimensional spaces, reproducing kernal Hilbert spaces, optimization, formal languages, and many other areas (see e.g. the graphic below by Swami Chandrasekaran).

My focus has always been on applied mathematics rather than “pure” mathematics. But, by studying AI I was almost forced into learning about areas that I had avoided in graduate school like decidability (logic) and proof theory which did not seem practical at the time.  I felt that most abstract mathematics and some abstract computer science, though beautiful, were not very useful. So, I am surprised that I am now studying the most abstract and possibly most useless area of mathematics, Category Theory.  

Why category theory (aka “Abstract Nonsense“)?  Mathematicians often wonder “What is the simplest example of this idea?”, “Where do idea A and idea B intersect?”, and “How does this idea generalize?”.  Category theory seems to be about theses questions which I hope will be useful for AI research.  I was also inspired to read about category theory by Ireson-Paine‘s article “What Might Category Theory do for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science?” and “Ologs: A Categorical Framework for Knowledge Representation” by Spivak and Kent (2012). Paine describes relationships between category theory, logical unification, holographic reduced representation, neural nets, the Physical Symbol System Hypothesis, analogical reasoning, and logic. The article includes many authoritative interesting references and links.  Ologs appear to be a category theoretic version of semantic networks.

Since I am studying category theory in my off time, I will probably blog about it. I am an enthusiastic beginner when it comes to category theory, so hopefully I can communicate that enthusiasm and avoid posting the common conceptual blunders that are part of learning a new field.

Cheers, Hein

PS:  I loved this graphic by Swami Chandrasekaran from the article “Becoming a Data Scientist“.

Road to Data Scientist


Road To Data Science by Swami Chandrasekaran

In a previous post, I gave the well-known approximation to the standard deviation of the sample median

$$\sigma \approx {1 \over 2\sqrt{n}\,f(x_m)}$$

where $f(x)$ is the probability density function and $x_m$ is the median (see Laplace and Kenney and Keeping).  Here are some examples.

Distribution Median Approx StD of Median
Standard Gaussain mean 0 std 1 0 $\sqrt{\pi \over{2 n}}$
Uniform 0 to 1 1/2 $1\over{2\sqrt{n}}$
Logistic with mean 0 and shape $\beta$ 0 ${2\beta}\over{\sqrt{n}}$
Student T with mean 0 and $\nu$ deg free 0 $\frac{\sqrt{\nu }\  B\left(\frac{\nu }{2},\frac{1}{2}\right)}{2 \sqrt{n}}$

$\ $

Computing the exact standard deviation of the sample median is more difficult. You first need to find the probability density function of the sample median which is

$$f_m(x) = g(c(x)) f(x)$$


$$g(x) = \frac{(1-x)^{\frac{n-1}{2}}
$B$ is the beta function, $c(x)$ is the cumulative distribution function of the sample distribution, and $f(x)$ is the probability density function of the sample distribution.

Now the expected value of the sample median is

$$\mu_m = \int x f_m(x) dx$$

and the standard deviation of the sample median is

$$\sigma_m = \sqrt{\int (x-\mu_m)^2 f_m(x)\ dx}. $$


Generally speaking, these integrals are hard, but they are fairly simple for the uniform distribution.  If the sample distribution is uniform between 0 and 1, then

$f(x) = 1,$

$c(x) = x,$

$g(x) = \frac{(1-x)^{\frac{n-1}{2}}

$f_m(x) = g(x),$

$\mu_m = \int x g(x) dx \ =\ 1/2,$ and

$$\sigma_m = \sqrt{\int (x-\mu_m)^2 f_m(x)\ dx}\  = \ {1\over{2\sqrt{n+2}}} $$

which is close to the approximation given in the table.


(Technical note:  The formulas above only apply for odd values of $n$ and continuous sample probability distributions.)

If you want the standard deviation for the sample median of a particular distribution and a $n$, then you can use numerical integration to get the answer. If you like, I could compute it for you.  Just leave a comment indicating the distribution and $n$.

I wonder if there is some way to identify which internet queries are the most frequently asked and least frequently successfully answered.

I bring this up because my three most popular blog posts are:

  1. 100 Most useful Theorems and Ideas in Mathematics
  2. Standard Deviation of Sample Median
  3. “Deep Support Vector Machines for Regression Problems”

The second one about the Median was originally posted to answer the question “What has the most variability: the sample mean or the sample median?”  But, I think that most of the people who are referred to this post from Google are trying to find the answer to “What is the standard deviation of the sample median?” The second question is quite practical for people doing statistics and it is difficult to find an answer to this question on the internet.  An approximation to the answer is given in the post, but the post really was not designed to answer this question, so I imagine that many people read the article and find the approximation to be insufficient or they don’t even understand the approximation given.  So I wonder if there are many questions posed to Google that remain unanswered after Googling. It would be a great service if such questions could be answered by an expert and indexed by Google.

The 100 theorems post and the deep support post are similar.  Both are fairly short simple answers to potential internet queries. The 100 theorems post is an answer to “What are the most useful theorems in mathematics?” and the “deep support” article answers the very technical AI question “What is a deep support vector machine?”

Maybe I should more posts like those.


Cheers, Hein