Articles by hundalhh

Mathematician and Father. Into games, astronomy, psychology and philosophy.

Last month I wrote a post about the fact that you should not make an investment in a game that does not pay for itself.  If an investment costs $I$ and gives you a return of $i$ per turn, then it will pay for itself in $I/i$ turns.  The return on investment (ROI) is $$r= i/I.$$ In some games we have several choices about how to invest, and generally speaking it is best to choose the investments with the best ROI.

If you can invest on any turn, the ROI investment rule of thumb is,

“Don’t invest if there are less than $$I/i=1/r$$ turns in left in the game excluding the current turn.”


the tank game

The tank game is one of the simplest investment games.  It illustrates a few common ideas in investment games:

  • Exponential Sharpening of the Axe
  • The optimal investment choice often depends only on the ROI for the turn and the number of turns left in the game.
  • Solving an investment game often involves finding the largest rectangle under the investment curve.
  • The investment-exploitation phase transition, dominating strategies, comparing two very similar strategies, null moves, and strategy swaps
  • Actually proving that a strategy is correct is a bit tricky.
  • Discrete vs. Continuous.

I will address some of these ideas in this post and the rest of the ideas in a follow up post.


Suppose that you start the game with an income of \$100 million per turn.  Each turn you have the two choices:

  • (investment option) investing all your income into factories and increasing your income by 10%, or
  • (don’t invest option) building tanks that cost one million dollars each.

Assume that it is also possible to build half a tank, or any other fraction of a tank, so if you spend \$500,000 on tanks, you get 0.5 tanks. If you spend \$2,300,000 on tanks, then you get 2.3 tanks. The game lasts for 27 turns and the object of the game is to maximize the number of tanks created.

Intuitively, you want to build up your factories in the first part of the game (Invest/Growth phase), and then transition to making tanks in the later part of the game (Exploitation phase).

Suppose that you build factory equipment for the first 5 turns, and then spend 22 turns building tanks.  After the first turn, you have \$110 million income (\$100 million original income plus \$10 million income due to the investment into factory equipment). After the second turn, your income would be \$121 million (\$110 million at the start of the turn plus \$11 million additional income due to investment). After the third turn you would have \$133,100,00 income, the fourth \$146,410,000 income, and finally, at the end of the 5th turn, your income would be \$161,051,000 per turn. If you then build tanks for 22 turns, then you would have $$22\cdot161.051 = 3543.122\ \ \mathrm{tanks}$$ at the end of the game.


The optimal strategy for the tank game using the rule  of thumb

The easy way to find the optimal strategy is to apply the ROI investment rule of thumb.  We should invest as long as there are more than $I/i=1/r$ turns in the game after the current turn.  In the tank game, you increase your income by 10% if you invest, so $r=0.10$ and $$1/r=10\ \ \mathrm{turns.}$$ On turns 1 through 16 there are more than 10 turns left in the game, so you must invest on those turns.  On turn 17, there are exactly 17 turns left in the game, so it does not matter whether or not you invest on that turn.  On turns 18, 19, … 27, there are less than 10 turns left in the game, so on those turns, you need to build tanks.

If you do invest for 17 turns, then your income would be $$\mathrm{income} = (1.1)^{17}\cdot \ \$100,000,000= \$ 505,447,028.50$$ per turn.  Then you could buy tanks for 10 turns giving you about 5054.47 tanks.


Notice that the amount of money spent on tanks is the same as the area of a rectangle with height equal to the income at the end of the investment phase (turn 17) times the number of turns used to buy tanks.  Many investment problems are equivalent to finding the largest rectangle that “fits” under the income curve.


The investment-exploitation phase transition and dominating strategy swaps

If you actually want to prove that this is the optimal strategy, you should probably first prove that there is and investment phase followed by a building/exploitation phase.

We will prove that investment phase must come first by comparing two very similar strategies where we swap a Building action and an Investing action. Comparing two similar strategies and showing the one “dominates” the other is a common tactic for finding optimal strategies.  In game theory, we say that one strategy dominates another if it is always better no matter what the opponent does.  For the single player tank game, we will say that one strategy dominates another if it produces more tanks over the course of the game.

Option 1:  Build-then-Invest. Suppose that on turn $i$ that you build tanks and on turn $i+1$ you invest in factories.  Suppose that on turn $i$ that your income was $I$.  Then you would build $$\mathrm{tanks} = \frac{I}{\$1,000,000}$$ tanks on turn $i$ and your income would increase to on turn $i+1$ to $$I_{\mathrm{new}}=1.1\ I.$$

Option 2:  Invest-then-Build.  On the other hand, if you swap the two strategies on turns $i$ and $i+1$, then on turn $i$ your income would again increase to $$I_{\mathrm{new}}=1.1\ I,$$ but when you build the tanks on turn $i+1$ you end up with  $$\mathrm{tanks} = \frac{I_{\mathrm{new}}}{\$1,000,000}= \frac{1.1\ I}{\$1,000,000}.$$

For either option, you have the same income on turns $i+2, i+3, \ldots, 27$, but for Option 2 (Invest-then-build) you have 10% more tanks than option 1.  We conclude that Option 2 “dominates” option 1, so for the optimal strategy, a tank building turn can never precede an investment turn.  That fact implies that there is an investment phase lasting a few turns followed by an building phase where all you do is build tanks.

If we carefully apply the ideas in the ROI part 1 post, we can determine where the phase transition begins. Suppose that on turn $i$ we have income $I$ and we make our last investment to bring our income up to $1.1\ I$. The increase in income is $0.1\ I$ and that new income will buy $$\mathrm{tanks\ from\ new\ income} = \frac{0.1\  I (T-i)}{\$1,000,000}$$ new tanks where $T=27$ is the total number of turns in the game.  If we build tanks instead of investing on turn $i$ then we would make $$\mathrm{potential\ tanks\ on\ turn\ }i = \frac{I}{\$1,000,000}$$ tanks.  The difference is
$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{gain\ by\ investing} &=  \frac{0.1\ I (T-i)}{\$1,000,000}\;  – \frac{I}{\$1,000,000}\\ &= \frac{0.1\ (T – i) \;- I}{\$1,000,000}.\end{aligned}$$

The gain is positive if and only if $$\begin{aligned} 0.1\ I (T-i) – I &> 0\\ 0.1\ I (T-i) &> I\\ 0.1\ (T-i) &> 1\\T-i &> 10\\T-10&> i.\end{aligned}$$

Remark: Reversing the inequalities proves that  the gain is negative ( a loss) if and only if    $T-10 < i$.

We conclude that no tanks can be built before turn $T-10=17$.  On turn $i=17$, $$0.1\ I (T-i) -I = 0.1\ I (27-17) -I =  0,$$ so the gain by investing is zero. It does not matter whether the player builds tanks or invests on turn 17.  After turn 17, the gain is negative by the Remark above, so you must build tanks after turn 17.

We have proven that the ROI investment rule of thumb works perfectly for the tank game.

In the previous 5 parts, I described several theorems which are useful for finding the maximum value of a function $f$ over integers.  In parts 1, 2, and 3, $f$ was concave.  In part 4, $f$ was continuous.  And in part 5, there were no restrictions on $f$.  In this post, the focus is on finding the maximum value of an investment game function over integers.

What is the maximum of $$f(x)=\exp(\alpha x) (T-x)$$ over all integers?  This function appears in several investment board games including Terraforming Mars, Master of Orion, and Roll for the Galaxy.

EXAMPLE $f(x)=\exp(\alpha x) (T-x)$

Let’s find the maximum of $f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb R$ where $$f(x)=\exp(\alpha x) (T-x),$$ $\alpha>0$, and $T>0$. The $\exp(\alpha x)$ is always postive, so $$f(x)>0\quad\mathrm{\ if\ and\ only\ if\ } x<T.$$

Let $g(x) = f(x+1) – f(x)$ as in “Maximizing a Function over Integers (Part 5)“. Let $\beta=\exp(\alpha)$. We can use some algebra to better understand the behavior of $g$.

$$\begin{aligned}g(x) &= f(x+1) – f(x)\\&= \exp(\alpha (x+1)) (T-(x+1)) – \exp(\alpha x) (T-x)\\&= \beta\beta^x (T-x -1) – \beta^x (T-x)\\&= \beta^x [ \beta(T-x -1) - T+x]\\&=\beta^x [ (1-\beta) x + (\beta-1) T -\beta]\\&=\beta^x [ (\beta-1)(T-x) -\beta].\end{aligned}

So $g(x)>0$ if and only if

$$\begin{aligned}(\beta-1)(T-x) -\beta &>0\\(\beta-1)(T-x) &>\beta\\T-x &>\frac{\beta}{\beta-1} \\T- \frac{\beta}{\beta-1} &> x\\\gamma &> x\end{aligned}
where $$\gamma=T- \frac{\beta}{\beta-1}.$$ Consequently,

$g(x)<0$ if and only if $\gamma < x$,

and by reversing the inequalities in the argument above,

$g(x)>0$ if and only if $\gamma > x$.

(This statement implies that if we restrict $f$ to integer inputs, then $f$ is increasing for inputs less than $\gamma-1$ and decreasing for inputs greater than $\gamma$.)

We can apply the lemmas from Part 5 to conclude that

– if $\gamma$ is an integer, then the maximum value of $f$ amoung all integers is $f(\gamma)$ which is also equal to $f(\gamma+1)$, and
– if $\gamma$ is not an integer, then the maximum value of $f$ amoung all integers is $f(\mathrm{ceil}(\gamma))$ and that maximum value is only attained by the input $\mathrm{ceil}(\gamma)$.

(Technical note: The lemmas in Part 5 can be applied with $b=T+1$ and and real number $a<\gamma-1$.)

$f(x) = 1.1^x (100-x)$

For example, if $$f(x) = 1.1^x (100-x)=\exp(\alpha x)(T-x)$$ with $\alpha=\log(1.1)$ and $T=100$, then

$$\begin{aligned}\beta=\exp(\alpha)&=\exp(\log(1.1)) = 1.1,\quad\mathrm{and}\\ \gamma= T- \frac{\beta}{\beta-1}&= 100- \frac{1.1}{1.1-1}= 100 -11 = 89.\end{aligned}$$

We conclude that the maximum value of $f$ over all integers is $$f(\gamma) =f(\gamma+1) = f(89)=f(90)\approx53130.2$$ Note that $f(88) \approx 52691.1$ and $f(91)\approx 52598.9$.


$f(x)=(1+1/k)^x(T-x).$ for any positive integer $k$

More generally, let $k$ be any positive integer and let $$f(x)=(1+1/k)^x(T-x).$$
Then $$f(x)=\exp(\alpha x)(T-x)$$ with $\alpha=\log(1+1/k),$

$$\begin{aligned}\beta=\exp(\alpha)&=\exp(\log(1+1/k)) =1+1/k,\quad\mathrm{and}\\\gamma= T- \frac{\beta}{\beta-1}&= T – \frac{1+1/k}{1+1/k-1}= T- (k+1) .\end{aligned}$$

We conclude that the maximum value of $f$ over all integers is $$f(\gamma) =f(\gamma+1) = f(T-k-1)=f(T-k).$$



Thanks to for helping me write the TeX.  GPT3 also recommended a change to one of the sentences in the introductory paragraph.

In parts 1,2, and 3, I described some theorems about finding the integer $i$ which maximizes $f(i)$, the value of a concave function $f:[a,b]\rightarrow \mathbb R$.  In part 4, I described a theorem for finding integers $i$ which maximize $f(i)$ where $f:[a,b]\rightarrow \mathbb R$ is a continuous function.  In part 5, I will describe some rather obvious, but useful facts and lemmas for finding integers $i$ which maximize $f(i)$ for any function $f:[a,b]\rightarrow \mathbb R$.



  •  $[a,b]$ is the set of real numbers $x$ where $a\leq x \leq b$, and $a$ and $b$ are real numbers.
  • $f:[a,b]\rightarrow \mathbb R$ means that the function $f$ takes as input real numbers from $[a,b]$ and gives as outputs real numbers.  More generally, the notation  $f:A\rightarrow B$ denotes a function $f$ where the input elements are from set $A$ and the outputs are in set $B$.  For example, we could define $f:[1, 10]\rightarrow \mathbb R$ by $f(x) =\log(x)$ for real numbers $x$ between 1 and 10 where the outputs are real numbers.
  • We will use  floor$(x)$  to denote the largest integer less than or equal to $x$. You can think of floor($x$) as rounding $x$ down.
  • We will use  ceil$(x)$  to denote the smallest integer greater than or equal to $x$.  You can think of ceil($x$) as rounding $x$ up.


For the rest of this post assume that $a$ and $b$ are real numbers, $a+1\leq b$, and $f$ is a real valued function with domain [a,b].  $f:[a,b] \rightarrow\mathbb{R}$, .


  • We say that a function $f$ is increasing on the set of numbers $D$ if for all $x_1$ and $x_2$ in $D$ $$a\leq x_1 < x_2 \leq b\quad\mathrm{implies}\quad f(x_1) \leq f(x_2).$$ As the value of $x$ increases, the function increases.  If the function is differentiable, this is equivalent to the derivative being non-negative.
  • We say that a function $f$ is strictly increasing on the set of numbers $D$ if for all $x_1$ and $x_2$ in $D$ $$a\leq x_1 < x_2 \leq b\quad\mathrm{implies}\quad f(x_1) <f(x_2).$$If the function is differentiable, this is almost the same as the derivative being positive.
  • We say that a function $f$ is decreasing on the set of numbers $D$ if for all $x_1$ and $x_2$ in $D$ $$a\leq x_1 < x_2 \leq b\quad\mathrm{implies}\quad f(x_1) \geq f(x_2).$$ As the value of $x$ increases, the function decreases.  If the function is differentiable, this is equivalent to the derivative being non-positive.
  • We say that a function $f$ is strictly decreasing on the set of numbers $D$ if for all $x_1$ and $x_2$ in $D$ $$a\leq x_1 < x_2 \leq b\quad\mathrm{implies}\quad f(x_1)>f(x_2).$$ If the function is differentiable, this is almost the same as the derivative being negative.



1. If $f$ is a strictly increasing function, then the integer $i$ that maximizes $f(i)$ is $\mathrm{floor}(b)$.
2. If $f$ is an increasing function, then the set of integers that maximize $f$ is non-empty and has the form $\{j,j+1, j+2, \ldots, \mathrm{floor}(b)\}$ where $j$ is an integer and $a\leq j\leq b$.
3. If $f$ is a strictly decreasing function, then the integer $i$ that maximizes $f(i)$ is $\mathrm{ceil}(a)$.
4. If $f$ is a decreasing function, then the set of integers that maximize $f$ is non-empty and has the form $\{\mathrm{ceil}(a),\mathrm{ceil}(a)+1,\ldots, j\}$ where $j$ is an integer and $a\leq j\leq b$.
5. Suppose that the integer $i$ maximizes $f(i)$. Then either

5a) $i=\mathrm{ceil}(a)$ or $i=\mathrm{floor}(b)$ (i.e. $i$ is on the “border” of $[a,b]$), or

5b) $a+1\leq i \leq b-1$, $g(i-1) \geq 0$, and $g(i)\leq 0$ where $$g:[a, b-1]\rightarrow\mathbb R \quad\mathrm{and}\quad g(x) = f(x+1) – f(x).$$ This is equivalent to $f(i-1) \leq f(i)$ and $f(i) \geq f(i+1)$.



Fact 5 is related to the following two lemmas. Assume that

  • the function $g:[a, b-1]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is defined by $g(x) = f(x+1) – f(x)$,
  • $\gamma$ is a real number where $a+1\leq \gamma \leq b-1$,
  • $g(x)>0$ if and only if $\gamma > x$, and
  • $g(x)<0$ if and only if $x>\gamma$.

Lemma 1: If $\gamma$ is an integer, then the set of integers that maximize $f$ is $\{\gamma, \gamma+1\}$.
Lemma 2: If $\gamma$ is not an integer, then the unique integer that maximizes $f$ is $\mathrm{ceil}(\gamma).$

Proof: Let $i$ be an integer in $[a,b]$ that maximizes $f(i)$. (i.e. $f(i)\geq f(j)$ for all integers $j$ in $[a,b]$.)

If $\gamma > i$ then $g(i)>0$ which implies that $f(i+1)> f(i)$ in which case $f(i)$ is not the maximum of $f$ over all integers in $[a,b]$ contradicting the definition of $i$. Hence $\gamma\leq i$.

If $i-1>\gamma$ then $g(i-1)<0$ which implies that $f(i)< f(i-1)$ and again $f(i)$ is not the maximum of $f$ over all integers in $[a,b]$ contradicting the definition of $i$. Hence $i \leq \gamma+1$.

We conclude that $\gamma\leq i \leq \gamma +1$.

If $\gamma$ is not an integer, then $i=\mathrm{ceil}(\gamma)$ proving Lemma 2.

Notice that $g(\gamma)=0$, so $f(\gamma) = f(\gamma+1)$.  If $\gamma$ is an integer, then $i$ can be either $\gamma$ or $\gamma+1$ proving Lemma 1.


About two years ago, I wrote 3 posts about finding the maximum of a real valued concave functions over a set of consecutive integers.

There is a related theorem for continuous functions.

Theorem:  Suppose that $f:[a,b] \rightarrow\mathbb R$ is continuous with $a+1\leq b$. Let
$$m=\max_{i\in \mathbb Z\cap[a,b]} f(i)\quad\mathrm{and}\quad S=\{ i\in \mathbb Z\cap[a,b]\, | f(i)= m\}.$$
Then $S$ is non-empty, and for all $i\in S\cap[a+1, b-1]$, there exists an $x(i)$ such that $$f(x(i)) = f(x(i)+1)$$ and $x(i)\leq i \leq x(i)+1.$

This is very nice if it is easy to find all the solutions to $f(x) = f(x+1)$ where $a\leq x \leq b$.  If you find those solutions, then the maximizer of $f$ over the set of integers in $[a,b]$ is either the smallest integer in $[a, b]$, the largest integer in $[a, b]$, or it is in the set $[x,x+1]$ where $x$ is one of the solutions to $f(x)=f(x+1)$.

More formally, if $i$ is an integer in $[a,b]$ and $f(i)\geq f(j)$ for all integers $j\in[a,b]$, then either

  1. $i$ is on the “border” of $[a, b]$, i.e. $i\in [a, a+1)\cup (b-1, b]$, or
  2. there exists a real number $x\in[a, b-1]$ such that $x\leq i \leq x+1$ and $f(x) = f(x+1).$


Proof of the Theorem:

$S$ is non-empty because $[a,b]\cap\mathbb Z$ is compact. Now for any $i\in S\cap[a+1, b-1]$, one of the three following cases must hold,

Case 1: $f(i-1) = f(i)$. In this case, let $x(i) = i-1$ and the theorem holds.

Case 2: $f(i) = f(i+1)$ In this case, let $x(i) = i$ and the theorem holds.

Case 3: $f(i-1) < f(i)$ and $f(i+1) < f(i)$. For this case, define $g:[a, b-1]\rightarrow \mathbb R$ by $$g(x) = f(x+1) – f(x).$$ The continuity of $f$ implies that $g$ is continuous. Also, $g(i-1) >0$, and $g(i)<0$, so by the intermediate value theorem, there exists an $x^*\in(i-1, i)$ such that
g(x^*) &=0\quad\mathrm{thus}\\
f(x^* +1) – f(x^*) &=0.
Setting $x(i)=x^*$ satisfies the theorem for case 3.

We have shown that in all three cases, there exists an $x(i)$ such that $x(i)\leq i \leq x(i)+1$ and $f(x(i)) = f(x(i)+1)$ proving the theorem.


Currently, Neural Networks are the most ubiquitous artificial intelligence method. Artificial intelligence (AI) has had massive breakthroughs over the last 15 years. From the year 2000 until 2008, computers were not able to get near human level performance in most pattern recognition tasks. For example, they had about 75% accuracy when converting spoken words to text, maybe a 30% chance of recognizing things in images (like people, planes, or mountains), and maybe a 90% accuracy rate on recognizing hand written text. Big data helped and fast computers helped, but they still were not getting human level performance. Different methods were used for each pattern recognition system. Now in 2023, neural nets seem are about as good as humans in many pattern recognition tasks and, in almost all cases, the computers are using neural nets to achieve human level performance.

Neural Nets were first discovered in the 1960s, but they were not very useful. They were used for some tasks in AI, but they were not the best tool for anything except maybe hand written digit recognition until about 2008. In about 2007 (or maybe 2006?), Geoffrey Hinton discovered how to train “deep” neural nets. Neural Nets have layers and it was very difficult to teach any neural net with more than three layers. Hinton found a way to train neural nets with up to 15 layers. (I attended the lecture at the NIPS conference in 2007 when Hinton introduced this new method–it was very exciting.) This method massively improved the pattern recognition abilities of neural nets and by 2010 neural nets were one of the best pattern recognition systems. In 2012, Hinton discovered the “Drop Out” training method. After Drop Out was introduced, neural nets became better than humans in many pattern recognition tasks like image recognition.

Over the last 10 years, three other big break throughs occurred: GANs (generative adversarial networks), transducers, and diffusion models. These breakthroughs have created neural nets that can create photo realistic faces, digital image art, and intelligently answer almost almost any question (the answer is correct only around 70% of the time). The biggest recent breakthrough is the GPT3 neural net which can pass final exams in several college subjects, write good essay on just about any topic, write short computer programs, and it can carry on a short conversation.

For further information, I am adding links for an introduction to neural nets that actually describes what they are, and a 17 page history of AI.

There are many games that have an investment phase followed by an exploitation phase including the card game Dominion, Terraforming Mars, Slay the Spire (during a combat), Saint Petersburg, Roll for the Galaxy, Master of Orion, Hansa Teutonica, Century Spice Road, Cash Flow and many more games.

One of the basic ideas is that you should not invest in something if there is not enough time for the investment to pay for itself.


Suppose that there are $T$ turns left in a game excluding the current turn, your current income level is I dollars per turn, and you have two choices:

  1. (invest) Invest this turn to increase your income from $I$ dollars per turn to $I +i$ dollars per turn. You would then receive $I+i$ dollars per turn for the remaining $T$ turns for a total of $(I+i)\cdot T$ dollars.
  2. (don’t invest) Receive $I$ dollars this turn and the remaining $T$ turns for a total of $(T+1)\cdot I$ dollars.



For example, assume that

  • it is currently turn 5,

  • at the start of turn 5 you have an income of $I$ = \$2 per turn,

  • the game ends on turn 9, and

  • you have the choice between two options:

  1. Invest this turn to increase your income from \$2 per turn to \$3 dollars per turn. You would then receive \$3 dollars per turn for turns 6,7,8, and 9 for a total of \$3 * 4 = \$12 dollars.

  2. Do not invest and you receive \$2 on this turn, turn 5, and the remaining turns 6,7,8, and 9, for a total of \$$2\cdot5$ = \$10 dollars.

For this example, $T=4$ because there are 4 remaining turns after the current turn. You have the option of increasing your income from \$2 to \$3, so the investment increases your income by $i$ = \$1 per turn.

The Correct Strategy

If you choose option 1, then your total earnings will be

invest_option_returns = $T\cdot (I+i)$ dollars.

If you choose option 2, then your total earnings will be

no_investment_option_returns = $(T+1)\cdot I$ dollars.

So, you should invest if

$$\begin{aligned}T\cdot (I+i) &> (T+1)\cdot I \\T\cdot I+T\cdot i &> T\cdot I + I \\T\cdot i &> I \\T&>\frac{I}{i}. \\\end{aligned}$$

So, according to the math above, you should not invest in something unless there are more than $$\frac{I}{i}= \frac1{r}$$ turns left in the game after the current turn where $$r=\frac{i}{I}$$ is sometimes called the return on investment (ROI).

When you invest $I$ dollars to get an increase of $i$ dollars per turn, it takes $I/i$ turns for the investment to “pay for itself”.


The Gain

If there are more than $\frac1{r}=\frac{I}{i}$ turns in the game, then you will gain

gain = invest_option_returns – no_investment_option_returns

$$\begin{aligned}&=T\cdot (I+i) – (T+1)\cdot I\\&=T I+T i – T i – I\\&= T i – I \\&= T r I – I \\&= (Tr -1) I \\&= I r  \left(T -\frac1{r}\right) \end{aligned}$$


dollars by choosing to invest.  The investment pays for itself after $1/r$ turns and every turn after that gives you $I r=i$ dollars.



For the example, $T=4, I=2,$ and $i=1$, so $r = i/I =0.5$. The correct strategy is to invest if

$$T > I/i,$$

but T=4 which is greater then I/i = 2, so the best option is the investment option.



I am hoping to write about applying this idea to several games over the next few weeks.

Morgan Housel posted an article titled “Ideas that Changed My Life”.  See



I really like the idea that there are these great ideas that change your life.  I decided to sit down and try to write up my own list of the ideas that influenced me.  Here is my first draft (ordered from most influential to least):


1) Practice makes you better.

2) You can make decisions that affect the rest of your life.

3) Programming (the idea that many procedures can be broken down into precisely defined steps which can be done by a computer.)

4) People are mostly kind.  women are somewhat more likely to be kind than men.

5) Your conscious mind can make changes to your brain and your body.  You can exercise.  You can teach yourself like or dislike things more.  You can change your habits.

6) You can learn skills from a book or other written materials.

7) The idea and laws of probability (including Baysian)

8) The ability to estimate (Fermi Questions).

9) Information Theory and  Kolmogorov Complexity (Algorithmic Complexity)

10) Polynomial and Exponential Growth  (related to Black Swans)

11) You can use algebra to solve for one variable given a few equations

12) Calculus (Esp Fundamental Theorem of Calculus)

13) Object oriented Programming (Inheritance, Polymorphism)  

14) Mathematical proof – the idea that you can take a bunch of axioms and use logic to reach many amazing and useful conclusions.  Furthermore, you can have a high degree of certainty that the result (theorem) is true especially if it is verified by another mathematician or a computer.

15) Game Theory (The Nash Equilibrium often exists and it (or they) can often be found.)

16) Energy and Momentum are both conserved.  That fact arises from the symmetries of the universe (invariance under translation by space time, and rotation (see Emmy Noether)).

17) Optimization ( many problems have an optimal solution and often calculus or math can be used to find it.)

18) You can guess many of the formulas of physics

19) Thermodynamics (Laws of Thermodynamics)

20) Recursion

21) Extending the idea of the Pythagorean theorem   (Application of Hilbert Spaces)

22) Category Theory

23) Declarative Programming

Yesterday, I wrote about how the fractions

\frac{1000}{998999} &= 0.00100100200300500801302103405509… \\
\frac{10000}{99989999} &= 0.000100010002000300050008001300210… \\
\frac{100000}{9999899999} &= 0.0000100001000020000300005000080001… \\
\frac{1000000}{999998999999} &= 1.000001000002000003000005000008000013…\cdot 10^{-6} \\
\frac{10000000}{99999989999999} &= 1.000000100000020000003000000500000080000013\cdot 10^{-7} \\

display the first several values of the Fibonacci sequence.  The general formula for these fractions is $$f_k = \frac{10^k}{10^{2 k} – 10^k – 1}.$$

Today, I will provide a fairly simple derivation for this formula without summing an infinite series.

Let $a_1=1, a_2=1, a_3=2, a_4=3, a_5=5, a_6=8,\ldots$ be the Fibonacci sequence.  Let $a_i=0$ when $i\leq 0$.  Now, we know that by definition

$$a_n = a_{n-1} + a_{n-2}$$

for all $n>1$.  The formula above also holds for $n<1$, but fails for $n=1$.  We can fix that by adding in the Kronecker delta function $\delta_{i,j}$ which is 0 if $i\neq j$ and 1 when $i=j$.  The amended formula valid for all $n$ is

$$a_n = a_{n-1} + a_{n-2} +\delta_{n,1}.$$

In the prior article, we defined the Fibonacci fractions to be

$$f_k = \sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{a_i}{10^{\ ki}}.$$


$$\begin{aligned} f_k &= \sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{a_i}{10^{\ ki}}  \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{a_{i-1} + a_{i-2} + \delta_{i,1}}{10^{\ ki}}\\&= \sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{a_{i-1}}{10^{\ ki}}  +\frac{a_{i-2}}{10^{\ ki}} + \frac{\delta_{i,1}}{10^{\ ki}}\\&= \frac{1}{10^{\ k}}  + \sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{a_{i-1}}{10^k10^{\ k(i-1)}}  +\frac{a_{i-2}}{10^{2k}10^{\ k(i-2)}} \\&= \frac{1}{10^{\ k}}  + \frac{f_k}{10^k}  +\frac{f_k}{10^{2k}}. \end{aligned}$$


$$f_k= \frac{1}{10^{\ k}}  + \frac{f_k}{10^k}  +\frac{f_k}{10^{2k}}$$

$$f_k   – \frac{f_k}{10^k}  -\frac{f_k}{10^{2k}} =  \frac{1}{10^{\ k}}$$

$$f_k  \left(1 – \frac{1}{10^k}  -\frac{1}{10^{2k}}\right) =  \frac{1}{10^{\ k}}$$

$$f_k  = \frac{\frac{1}{10^{\ k}}}{ 1 – \frac{1}{10^k}  -\frac{1}{10^{2k}} }$$

$$f_k  = \frac{10^{\ k}}{ 10^{2k} – 10^k  -1 }$$

which completes the derivation.

This technique is often used for Z-transforms and generating functions.


I think that it is really cool that some fractions have interesting patterns in their decimal expansion.  For example,

$$1/499 = 0.0020040080160320641282565130260….$$

You can see the first 8 values of the doubling sequence (a.k.a the powers of 2)  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 in the decimal expansion.  If you want more values, you can just add more 9’s to the denominator.

$$\begin{aligned} 1/49999 = &0.0000200004000080001600032000640012800256005120\\&1024020480409608192163\

Other fractions can encode other sequences.  The first several square numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, … are encoded by the fractions


For example,

$$\frac{1001000}{997002999} = 0.001004009016025036049064081100121144169196225….$$

It turns out that it is not too hard to find sequences of fractions which encode any sequence of positive integers that is a sum of

  • polynomials  (e.g.  cubes         1, 8, 27, 64, 125, …),
  • exponentials (e.g. powers of 3  1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, …), or
  • products of polynomials and exponentials.  (e.g.  cubes times power of 3     1, 24, 243, 1728, 10125, 52488, 250047,…).

The Fibonacci sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, ….

Each value after the initial ones is the sum of the previous two values (e.g. 2 +3 =5, 3+5 =8, …).  It turns out that the Fibonacci sequence is the sum of exponentials, so it also can be encoded in a sequence of fractions.

\frac{1000}{998999} &= 0.00100100200300500801302103405509… \\
\frac{10000}{99989999} &= 0.000100010002000300050008001300210… \\
\frac{100000}{9999899999} &= 0.0000100001000020000300005000080001… \\
\frac{1000000}{999998999999} &= 1.000001000002000003000005000008000013…\cdot 10^{-6} \\
\frac{10000000}{99999989999999} &= 1.000000100000020000003000000500000080000013\cdot 10^{-7} \\

All of these fractions $f_k$ can be computed with the formula

$$f_k=\sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{a_i}{10^{\ k i}}$$

where the $a_i$ are the values of the sequence and $k$ is a positive integer specifying the spacing between the values of $a$ in the decimal expansion.   This sum is fairly easy to compute when $a$ is a polynomial, an exponential, or a combination of polynomials and exponentials.

For example, to get the doubling numbers $a_i = 2^i$, the fractions would be

$$\begin{aligned}\sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{a_i}{10^{\ k i}}&= \sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{2^i}{10^{\ k i}}\\&= \sum_{i=1}^\infty \left(\frac{2}{10^k}\right)^i\\&=\frac{\frac{2}{10^k}}{1-\frac{2}{10^k}}\quad{\text{using} \sum_{i=1}^\infty x^i= \frac{x}{1-x}}\\&= \frac{2}{10^k – 2}.\end{aligned}$$

For the Fibonacci sequence $$a_i = \frac{\varphi^i-\psi^i}{\varphi-\psi}= \frac{\varphi^n-\psi^n}{\sqrt 5}$$ where $$\varphi = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2} \approx 1.61803$$ and $$\psi = \frac{1 – \sqrt{5}}{2} = 1 – \varphi = – {1 \over \varphi} \approx -0.61803.$$ (Copied verbatim with glee from the Wikipedia).

The math required to compute the Fibonacci fractions is almost the same as the powers of two math using the same $$\sum_{i=1}^\infty x^i= \frac{x}{1-x}$$ trick.  :)

After you go through the computations, the Fibonacci fractions can be found with the formula

$$f_k = \frac{10^k}{10^{2 k} – 10^k – 1}.$$



Most people look at the first four digits of 1/7 ~= .1428 and think that the fact that 7*2=14 and 7*4=28 is a mere coincidence. It’s not. Let’s compute the decimal expansion of 1/7 without doing long division, but using instead $$x/(1-x) = x + x^2 + x^3 + \ldots.$$
= 7/49
= 7*1/(50-1)
= 7*1/50/(1-1/50)
= 7*.02/(1-.02)
= 7*(.02 + .02^2 + .02^3 + …)
= 7*(.02 + .0004 + .000008 + .00000016 + .0000000032 + …)
= 7*(.020408163264…)
= 7*(.020408) + 7*(..000000163264)
= .142856 + 7*(.00000016) + 7*(.00000000326…)
= .142856 + .00000112 + 7*(.00000000326…)
Notice that the first n digits must be .142857. The decimal expansion of 1/j either terminates or repeats with at most (j-1) repeating digits and we have 6 digits, so those six digits must repeat, thus
1/7 = .142857142857142857142857142857142857….

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