Mathematica 2048 Simulator

A guy named Phil asked me to post my code, so here it is.  It’s in Mathematica, so I imagine that most people will have trouble reading it.  I will probably rewrite the code in a more common, faster language later.

(* Mathematica code for simulating 2048
   - by Hein Hundal (Public Domain)


   for more detials.

(* collapse[v] takes a list of values and returns a 
   collapsed list of values where two consecutive equal 
   values are summed into one value. *)

collapse[v_List] := PadRight[
   collapseAux[Cases[v, _Integer]]  , 4, "."];

collapseAux[{}] = {};
collapseAux[{x_}] = {x};
collapseAux[v_List] := If[ v[[1]] == v[[2]],
   Prepend[ collapseAux[Drop[v, 2]], v[[1]]*2],
   Prepend[ collapseAux[Drop[v, 1]], v[[1]]]];

vGlobalMoves = Characters["lrud"];
mGlobalEmptyBoard = Table[".", {4}, {4}];

move[mBoard_, sMove_String] := Switch[sMove,
   "l", collapse /@ mBoard,
   "r", Reverse /@ collapse /@ Reverse /@ mBoard,
   "u", Transpose[ collapse /@ Transpose[ mBoard ]],
   "d", Reverse[ Transpose[ 
        collapse /@ Transpose[ Reverse[ mBoard]]]],
   _, Throw[{"move::illeagal move", sMove}]];

(* game1Turn[ mStart_List, randFunc_, moveStrat_]
      Performs one turn of the game.
      - mStart is a 4 x4 game matrix where every elemet 
        is either a number 2, 4, 8, ... or the string ".".
      - randFunc is any function that take a positive 
        integer n as input and outputs a positive integer 
        between 1 and n.
      - moveStrat is any function that takes a game board as 
        an input and gives as an output one of the four 
        characters u, d, l, r.
      - The output of game1Turn is a new board state.  *)

game1Turn[ mStart_List, randFunc_, moveStrat_] :=
  Module[{sMove, mBoard, mEmpty, iSpot, iVal},
   sMove = moveStrat[mStart];
   mBoard = move[mStart, sMove];

   (* only add a new piece if the board changed *)
   If[ mBoard =!= mStart,
      mEmpty = Position[mBoard, "."];
      iSpot = randFunc[Length[mEmpty]];

      (* the new board tile will either be a 4 or a 2 *)
      iVal = If[ randFunc[10] == 1, 4, 2];
      mBoard = ReplacePart[mBoard, mEmpty[[iSpot]] -> iVal]
(*  gameManyTurns  - executes iDo turns of the game  *)
gameManyTurns[mStart_List, randFunc_, moveStrat_, iDo_Integer] := 
   NestList[game1Turn[#, randFunc, moveStrat] &, mStart, iDo];

(******************* Display Results of Multiple Runs **********)

periodTo0[m_List]  :=  m /. "." -> 0;
maxTile[m_List]    := Max[Flatten[periodTo0[m]]]
totalTiles[m_List] := Total[Flatten[periodTo0[ m ]]];

rand1[i_Integer] := 1 + RandomInteger[i - 1];

(* rand2[m]   replaces a random entry on the board m with a 2 *)
rand2[m_List] := ReplacePart[ m, 
   (RandomInteger[3, {2}] + 1) -> 2];

runSeveralGames[ randFunc_, moveStrat_, iDo_Integer]  := 
    (* run a single game for 100 turns *)
    ten1 = gameManyTurns[rand2[mGlobalEmptyBoard], 
               randFunc, moveStrat, 100];

    (* keep going until there is not change for 50 moves *)
    While[ ten1[[-50]] =!= ten1[[-1]]  && Length[ten1] < 10000,
       ten1 =  Join[ten1, gameManyTurns[ten1[[-1]], 
                    randFunc, moveStrat, 100]]

    ten2 = TakeWhile[ ten1, # =!= ten1[[-1]] &];

    (* output a list {# turns of the game, tile Total,
    maximum tile} for each game *)
    {Length[ten2], totalTiles[Last[ten1]], maxTile[ten1[[-1]]]},

stats[mRes_List] := Module[{mRN = N@mRes},
   {Mean[mRN], StandardDeviation[mRN], Max[mRes[[All, 3]]],
    Tally[mRes[[All, 3]]] // Sort}];

(******** Blind Cyclic Strategy ****************************)

(* createCyclicStrategy - creates a cyclic strategy function 
   from the string s.  If s = "uddl", then the strategy function 
   will repeat the sequence move up, move down, move down, and 
   move left indefinitely. *)

createCyclicStrategy[sMoves_String] := Module[
   {exHeld, iCount = 1},
   exHeld = Hold[
     Function[ m, chars[[ Mod[iCount++, iStringLength] + 1]]]];
    exHeld /. {chars -> Characters[sMoves] ,
      iStringLength -> StringLength[sMoves]}]];

testOneStrategy[] := Module[{},
   stratDRDL = createCyclicStrategy["drdl"];
   mRes = runSeveralGames[rand1, stratDRDL, 100];